About me

A genealogist with a background as a civil aviation pilot, I have dedicated myself to the history of Livornese families since 1999, with a particular focus on the foreign non-Catholic communities and the study of the city’s old cemeteries belonging to them. Over a period of around twenty years I have constructed a relational prosopographic database which draws together in interconnected data sheets the family structures and social and commercial networks of tens of thousands of Livornese people. In 2011 I founded
the “Livorno delle Nazioni” association which aims to safeguard and enhance the cultural heritage of the historic “Nations” of Livorno, and whose members include many Italian and international scholars and researchers. Both within the association and as an independent researcher, I have made numerous discoveries resulting in articles in both the local and international press. I have spoken at several conferences, written articles about local history in the scientific periodical “Nuovi Studi Livornesi”, and edited and contributed to the book titled “Un archivio di pietra. L’antico cimitero degli inglesi di Livorno”. I also manage a blog about the history of Livorno in English and Italian called Leghorn Merchant Networks (Reti Mercantili Livornesi) and I regularly post in this website’s Blog about genealogy. You can contact me in many different ways by clicking on the links on the top left of this website or through my email: matteo@livornogen.com.


Museo della Città di Livorno