Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

I came to Matteo Giunti by chance, investigating a minor branch of my family, my great-great-grandfather who married an Italian from Livorno and found this blog with emotion, I quickly tracked down Matteo and he quickly responded to me.. Although not at first I thought to invest money in this […]

Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero

Thanks to Matteo who found a real treasury about the story of my family. It is a pleasure to work with a passionate and dedicated to his work, despite the circumstances. I’ve learn a lot!

Martine Rousso

I highly recommend Matteo in doing your ancestry research. He was very detailed oriented, quick and knowledgeable. He will answer every question you have with ease. Matteo has traced my family 12 generations with all documents to verify his research. Matteo even goes above and beyond to fill out a […]

Michael Pasquale Freschi

I required the birth and marriage certificates of my Livornese grandparents, and Matteo couldn’t have been more helpful or accommodating. At every step of the process, his expertise and honestly distinguished him. Service of the highest quality. Grazie mille, Matteo!

Anders Villani

Je recommande les yeux fermés Matteo Giunti pour vos recherches généalogiques !! Il est rapide, très réactif et passionné… Nous sommes nombreux à avoir des ancêtres italiens mais il n’est pas toujours facile de naviguer sur le net oude se déplacer. Matteo m’a permis de remonter dans le passé et […]

“Cobu Iza”

J’ai fait appel à Matteo Giunti pour une recherche généalogique concernant les branches de mes deux parents, et en ai été enchantée du résultat, encore mille merciii Aujourd’hui j’ai reçu les infos que j’attendais depuis très longtemps. Oui depuis très longtemps je cherchais à reconstituer l’histoire de ma famille, à savoir […]

Emanuela Saltarelli Marrot

Having researched my Italian family history, most unsuccessfully for more years than I care to admit to, I sought the services of Matteo Giunti. From day one Matteo took me on a magical carpet ride back through the centuries. The speed with which he revealed my ancestry and accuracy which […]

Averil Dorego

Matteo is very professional and skilled at his work, finds out a huge amount in a short time, communicates clearly and responds to your wishes about what you want to know. This all makes him very good value and a tremendous asset if you wish to discover your family’s history. […]

Chrissie Moran

Matteo was an incredible researcher for our family. He uncovered birth and death records for many of our family who lived in Livorno in the 1700s and took us back two additional generations from our original work. He has helped us fill in missing details and gather information about where […]

Michele Jackson Weingeist